Monday, July 5, 2010

Who is to blame for the Gulf Oil Spill?

Photo Credit-Associated Press.
I think that this catastrophe is one of the worst things to have happened since I was born in 2000. 9-11 was an absolute terror to humans, but at least we are able to fight back against terror. What about the animals??? Who is going to fight for them? The marine animals of the Gulf have been terrorized by this oil spill and continue to die each day. I think it is horrible that they are slowly suffering with each day that passes. I feel like a piece of my heart is dying slowly with them. What arrogance of humans to think they can ruin this planet and its ecosystems without consequence. It is not their time to have died but thanks to the irresponsible actions of BP employees over 580 sea turtles have perished. Sea Turtles that have managed to survive since prehistoric times. Why would people want to blame President Obama? How is this his fault? If you are going to blame anyone in our government, blame our former government officials who have supported BP and other off shore drillers. I understand we need oil and that we have to drill to get it, but what I don't understand is why people can't follow environmental rules and would be so irresponsible to have not properly planned a response for an event like this oil spill. We plan for earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, why didn't we plan for drilling? I feel so strongly about this that I have started my own blog and a group of kid volunteers "KIDS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW," and we have been going out and doing community projects that will help to save our planet and also trying to raise donations for the oil spill clean up. This is our planet and our future, are you willing to do your part in helping to save our earth? I really hope so. It is going to take us kids to make a change for our future, we can't leave it up to the adults. Get involved. It takes one small step towards a common goal to be added to all the others, and combined together, they make one giant leap towards change. I refuse to sit back and relax while watching this Gulf oil spill go unnoticed. Stop blaming the wrong people and start speaking out towards the ones who are to blame. If you want to learn more about how to help, ask your parents to follow us on facebook or read my science blog on My name is Alana G. and thanks to this oil spill my life will never be the same.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It is time for a change!

Photo Credit: The Daily Green I think it is so important that kids understand that we can’t leave it all up to the adults to make a change for our future. We need to “Get Involved!” One of my foundations new slogans is “This is our planet, our future!” It is time for a change.

I truly believe we can help to make a difference in this world because it is our future and our planet that is on the line and we kids are afraid of what condition this planet will be in when we grow up.

The Gulf oil spill is a perfect example of showing how the decisions made by irresponsible adults are killing our Earth and its poor helpless creatures, ruining the Gulf’s ecosystem and our oceans that were supposed to be left for us to share in the decades to come. : (

So please join me on my crusade...

"Believe in yourself and each other. Together we can make a difference!" Alana

Please read my other blog posting on the famous childrens' author Seymour Simon's website: